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Stellar Catalog
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Nearby stars catalogue
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Our galaxy Milky Way contains billions of stars. Stellar Catalog maps mainly those that are close to the Solar system.

Black holes

Stars 1-20
Star name Mass Distance

Gaia BH1
9.6 M☉ 1561 ly

Gaia BH3
2MASS J19391872+1455542, LS II +14 13
32.7 M☉ 1983 ly

V616 Monocerotis
1A 0620-00, INTREF 297, Nova Mon 1917, Nova Mon 1975, Mon X-1, V616 Mon
5.9 M☉ 4680 ly

Gaia BH2
UCAC4 154-126202, 2MASS J13501675-5914203
8.9 M☉ 4853 ly

V404 Cygni
V404 Cyg, Nova Cygni 1938, Nova Cygni 1989, GS 2023+338, AAVSO 2020+33
9 M☉ 10786 ly

4U 0614+091
- 10983 ly

Sagittarius A*
4100000 M☉ 25635 ly
Stars 1-20
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