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K2-24 d
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Exoplanet K2-24 d

(Unconfirmed Exoplanet)
K2-24 d is an unconfirmed exoplanet detected around star K2-24. More observations are needed to confirm its existence.
Sun distance
560 light years

iconK2-24 d

Star: K2-24
icon timeOrbit around star: 469 days

Basic characteristic

icon weightMass: 54 M Earth | 0.1699 M Jupiter
icon discoveryYear of discovery: 2024 (radial velocity)
Other designations of this exoplanet
EPIC 203771098 d, TYC 6784-837-1 d, 2MASS J16101770-2459251 d

K2-24 system structure

Exoplanet K2-24 d orbits star K2-24, which has bigger mass than Sun. It is one of 3 known exoplanets orbiting this star.
K2-24 d
n/a 54 M 469 days
K2-24 b 0.15 AU 20.6 M 5.4 R 20.9 days
K2-24 c 0.25 AU 16.4 M 7.5 R 42.4 days


When comparing to the Solar system planets, K2-24 d has 57 % of mass of Saturn
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
icon mass Mass 981.8266.2654490.910.170.573.73.14


Habitable zone of the star: 173 - 249.3 AU
check iconThe planet is a gas giant and has no surface.
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