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Kepler 21
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Kepler 21 A c
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Exoplanet Kepler 21 A c

(Unconfirmed Exoplanet)
Kepler 21 A c is an unconfirmed exoplanet detected around star Kepler 21 A. More observations are needed to confirm its existence.
Sun distance
354 light years

iconKepler 21 A c

Exoplanet, gas giant
icon distanceDistance from the star: 17.7 AU
icon timeOrbit around star: 25567 days

Basic characteristic

icon weightMass: 1176.3 M Earth | 3.7012 M Jupiter
icon discoveryYear of discovery: 2024 (radial velocity)
Other designations of this exoplanet
HIP 94112 c, Kepler-21 c, KOI-975 c, KIC 3632418 c, TYC 3120-963-1 c, 2MASS J19092683+3842505 c, HD 179070 c

Kepler 21 system structure

Exoplanet Kepler 21 A c orbits star Kepler 21 A, which has bigger mass than Sun. It is one of 2 known exoplanets orbiting this star.
Kepler 21 A
Kepler 21 A b 0.04 AU 6.7 M 1.6 R 2.8 days
Kepler 21 A c
17.7 AU 1176.3 M 25567 days
Kepler 21 B 87 AU


When comparing to the Solar system planets, Kepler 21 A c has 3.7 times the mass of Jupiter and it orbits its star a little closer than Uranus.
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
icon mass Mass 21386.471443.261176.2610693.243.712.3680.5768.39
icon distance Distance45.3824.4817.711.613.41.860.920.59


Habitable zone of the star: 97.5 - 140.4 AU
check iconThe planet is a gas giant and has no surface.
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