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PSR B1257+12
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PSR B1257+12 b
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Exoplanet PSR B1257+12 b

Exoplanet PSR B1257+12 b orbits star PSR B1257+12 that lies 2313 light years away from the Sun. It weighs about 0 Earth masses and orbits its star closer than Earth orbits Sun.
Sun distance
2313 light years

PSR B1257+12 b

icon distanceDistance from the star: 0.19 AU
icon timeOrbit around star: 25.262 days

Basic characteristic

icon weightMass: 0 M Earth
icon temperatureTemperature: 266 K | -7 °C
icon discoveryYear of discovery: 1994 (timing)
Comparison to the Solar system planets
icon distanceDistance: Mercury (49 % Mercury distance)
Other designations of this exoplanet
PSR 1257+12 b, PSR J1300+1240 b, Lich b, PSR 1300+1240 b
Exoplanets around star PSR B1257+12
Exoplanet PSR B1257+12 b orbits star Class neutron star PSR B1257+12, which has bigger mass than Sun. It is one of 3 known exoplanets orbiting this star.
PSR B1257+12 b
| 0.19 AU
PSR B1257+12 c
| 0.36 AU
PSR B1257+12 d
| 0.46 AU
Star PSR B1257+12
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