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HAT-P-11 c
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Exoplanet HAT-P-11 c

Exoplanet HAT-P-11 c orbits star HAT-P-11 that lies 124 light years away from the Sun. It weighs about 731.2 Earth masses and orbits its star further than Earth orbits Sun.
Sun distance
124 light years

HAT-P-11 c

Exoplanet, gas giant
Star: HAT-P-11
icon distanceDistance from the star: 4.13 AU
icon timeOrbit around star: 3397 days

Basic characteristic

icon weightMass: 731.2 M Earth | 2.3008 M Jupiter
icon discoveryYear of discovery: 2018 (radial velocity)
Other designations of this exoplanet
2MASS 19505021+4804508 c, GSC 03561-02092 c, BD+47°2936 c, HIC 97657 c, HIP 97657 c, NLTT 48335 c, KOI-3 c, KIC 10748390 c


When comparing to the Solar system planets, HAT-P-11 c has 2.3 times the mass of Jupiter and it orbits its star a little closer than Jupiter.
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
icon mass Mass 13294.29897.16731.196647.152.37.6850.0842.51
icon distance Distance10.595.714.132.710.790.430.220.14

HAT-P-11 system structure

Exoplanet HAT-P-11 c orbits star HAT-P-11, which has lower mass than Sun. It is one of 2 known exoplanets orbiting this star.
HAT-P-11 b 0.05 AU 27.7 M 4.4 R 4.9 days
HAT-P-11 c 4.13 AU 731.2 M 3397 days
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