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CVSO 30 c
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Exoplanet CVSO 30 c

(Unconfirmed Exoplanet)
CVSO 30 c is an unconfirmed exoplanet detected around star CVSO 30. More observations are needed to confirm its existence.
Sun distance
1105 light years

CVSO 30 c

Exoplanet, gas giant
Star: CVSO 30
icon distanceDistance from the star: 660 AU
icon timeOrbit around star: 9861750 days

Basic characteristic

icon weightMass: 1494.2 M Earth | 4.7016 M Jupiter
Comparison to the Solar system planets
icon massMass: Jupiter (470.16 % Jupiter mass)
icon distanceDistance: Neptune (2196 % Neptune distance)
Other designations of this exoplanet
UCAC2 32318442 c, DENIS J052507.5+013424 c, 2MASS J05250755+0134243 c, PTFO 8-8695 c, TIC 264461976 c, OB1a 962 c
Star CVSO 30
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