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Gliese 393
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Gliese 393 b
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Exoplanet Gliese 393 b

Exoplanet Gliese 393 b orbits star Gliese 393 that lies 23 light years away from the Sun. It weighs about 1.9 Earth masses and orbits its star much closer than Earth orbits Sun.
Sun distance
23 light years

Gliese 393 b

Exoplanet, rocky planet
Star: Gliese 393
icon distanceDistance from the star: 0.055 AU
icon timeOrbit around star: 7.02679 days

Basic characteristic

icon weightMass: 1.9 M Earth
icon temperatureTemperature: 485 K | 212 °C
icon discoveryYear of discovery: 2021 (radial velocity)
Other designations of this exoplanet
GJ 393 b, Ross 446 b, BD+01 2447 b, LHS 2272 b, G 162-60 b, HIP 51317 b, LTT 12805 b, BD+01 2447 b


When comparing to the Solar system planets, Gliese 393 b has 13 % of mass of Uranus and it orbits its star closer than Mercury orbits the Sun.
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
icon mass Mass 34.552.331.917.
icon distance Distance0.
icon temp Temperature1.10.661.682.332.983.656.226.74

Gliese 393 system structure

Exoplanet Gliese 393 b orbits star Gliese 393, which has lower mass than Sun. It is the only known exoplanet orbiting this star
Gliese 393
Gliese 393 b 0.06 AU 1.9 M 7 days
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