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Gliese 251
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Gliese 251 c
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Exoplanet Gliese 251 c

(Unconfirmed Exoplanet)
Gliese 251 c is an unconfirmed exoplanet detected around star Gliese 251. More observations are needed to confirm its existence.
Sun distance
18 light years

Gliese 251 c

Star: Gliese 251
icon distanceDistance from the star: 0.974 AU

Basic characteristic

icon weightMass: 22.2 M Earth
Other designations of this exoplanet
LHS 1879 c, Ross 578 c, Wolf 294 c, HD 265866 c, HIP 33226 c, LHS 1879 c, LTT 11941 c, GJ 251 c


When comparing to the Solar system planets, Gliese 251 c has 1.29 times the mass of Neptune and it orbits its star a little closer than Earth.
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
icon mass Mass 403.6427.2422.2201.820.070.231.521.29
icon distance Distance2.51.350.970.640.

Gliese 251 system structure

Exoplanet Gliese 251 c orbits star Gliese 251, which has lower mass than Sun. It is one of 2 known exoplanets orbiting this star.
Gliese 251
Gliese 251 b 0.08 AU 4 M 14.2 days
Gliese 251 c
0.97 AU 22.2 M -
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