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Sigma Draconis
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Sigma Draconis b
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Exoplanet Sigma Draconis b

(Unconfirmed Exoplanet)
Sigma Draconis b is an unconfirmed exoplanet detected around star Sigma Draconis. More observations are needed to confirm its existence.
Sun distance
19 light years

Sigma Draconis b

icon distanceDistance from the star: 0.814 AU

Basic characteristic

icon weightMass: 12 M Earth
Other designations of this exoplanet
Alsafi b, Gliese 764 b, GJ 764 b, σ Draconis b, 61 Draconis b, BD+69°1053 b, GCTP 4607.00 b, HD 185144 b, HIC 96100 b, HIP 96100 b, HR 7462 b, LHS 477 b, GAT 1255 b, LFT 1486 b, LTT 15713 b, 2MASS J19322153+6939413 b, NLTT 47961 b, ROT 2825 b, TIC 259237827 b, TYC 4448-2481-1 b, WISEA J193222.79+693922.3 b, WDS J19324+6940A b


When comparing to the Solar system planets, Sigma Draconis b has 82 % of mass of Uranus and it orbits its star between distances of Venus and Earth from the Sun.
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
icon mass Mass 218.1814.7212109.
icon distance Distance2.091.130.810.530.

Sigma Draconis system structure

Exoplanet Sigma Draconis b orbits star Sigma Draconis, which has lower mass than Sun. It is the only known exoplanet orbiting this star
Sigma Draconis
Sigma Draconis b
0.81 AU 12 M -
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