Star WASP 193
Yellow-White star WASP 193 is located 1232 light years away from the Sun.
It is a single star of spectral class F9V, that has 112 % of solar mass.
There is at least one exoplanet in this system.
More about WASP 193
Star WASP 193 is a main sequence star that fuses hydrogen atoms into helium. It is is approximately 23 % bigger than the Sun and temperature on its surface is around 6076 K (5803 °C), which is about 105 % of Sun's temperature.
WASP 193 can be found in southern celestial hemisphere, however it is too dim to be seen with the naked eye or even a small telescope.
Other designations of this star
1SWASPJ105723.88-295949.6, TIC 49043968, 2MASS ID 10572385-2959497, Gaia DR3 5453063823882876032
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