Star LSPM J0448+3648
Red dwarf LSPM J0448+3648 is located 79 light years away from the Sun.
It is a single star, that has typically about 25 % of solar mass.
For now, there are no known exoplanets in this star system.
More about LSPM J0448+3648
LSPM J0448+3648 can be found in northern celestial hemisphere, however it is too dim to be seen with the naked eye or even a small telescope.
Other designations of this star
Gaia EDR3 198464052134353536
External sources
Class of stars Red dwarf
Red dwarfs are small reddish stars, that are by far the most common type of star in solar neighborhood. Their mass is usually between 10 and 50 % of solar mass.