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Kepler 1662
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Star Kepler 1662

Yellow star Kepler 1662 is located 2895 light years away from the Sun. It is a single star, that has 108 % of solar mass. There are multiple known exoplanets in this system.
Sun distance
2895 light years

Kepler 1662


Ascension iconRight ascension: 19h 17m 21.9s
Declination iconDeclination: 46° 59' 18'' (northern hemisphere)
Parallax iconParallax: 0
Distance iconSun distance: 2895 ly | 887.6 pc

Basic characteristic

icon weight
Mass: 108 % M Sun | 1131 M Jupiter
radius icon
Size: 114 % R Sun | 11.3 R Jupiter
temperature iconTemperature: 5922 K | 1.02 T Sun

Kepler 1662 system structure

Kepler 1662
Kepler 1662 b 0.52 AU 71 M 8.9 R 134.5 days
Kepler 1662 c 0.85 AU 15 M 5.4 R 284.1 days
More about Kepler 1662
Star Kepler 1662 is is approximately 14 % bigger than the Sun and temperature on its surface is around 5922 K (5649 °C), which is about 102 % of Sun's temperature.
       Kepler 1662 can be found in northern celestial hemisphere. 
Other designations of this star
KIC 10005758, 2MASS J19172193+4659176, KOI 1783, TIC 159051209, WISE J191721.95+465917.6
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