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HR 2422
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Star HR 2422

Binary star HR 2422 is located 5245 light years away from the Sun. It consists of a blue supergiant and a blue giant. For now, there are no known exoplanets in this star system.
Sun distance
5245 light years

HR 2422 A

Spectral class: O8I


Ascension iconRight ascension: 6h 37m 24.041s
Declination iconDeclination: 6° 8' 7.372'' (equatorial region)
Parallax iconParallax: 0.622
Distance iconSun distance: 5244.508 ly | 1608 pc

Basic characteristic

icon weight
Mass: 5400 % M Sun | 56569 M Jupiter
radius icon
Size: 1420 % R Sun | 141.3 R Jupiter
temperature iconTemperature: 33500 K | 5.8 T Sun
luminosity iconLuminosity: 224000 L Sun

HR 2422 B

Spectral class: O7.5III

Basic characteristic

icon weight
Mass: 5600 % M Sun | 58664 M Jupiter
radius icon
Size: 1080 % R Sun | 107.5 R Jupiter
temperature iconTemperature: 33000 K | 5.71 T Sun
luminosity iconLuminosity: 123000 L Sun

HR 2422 system structure

HR 2422 A
HR 2422 B
More about HR 2422
       HR 2422 can be found in northern celestial hemisphere. 
Other designations of this star
V640 Monocerotis, HR 2422, BD+6°1309, GC 8631, HIC 31646, HIP 31646, HD 47129, Plasketts Star
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