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HIP 86221
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Star HIP 86221

Orange star HIP 86221 is located 96 light years away from the Sun. It is a single star of spectral class K5 D, that has 79 % of solar mass. There is at least one exoplanet in this system.
Sun distance
96 light years

HIP 86221

Spectral class: K5 D


Ascension iconRight ascension: 17h 37m 10.769s
Declination iconDeclination: 27° 53' 47.157'' (northern hemisphere)
Parallax iconParallax: 33.91
Distance iconSun distance: 96.183 ly | 29.5 pc

Basic characteristic

icon weight
Mass: 79 % M Sun | 828 M Jupiter
radius icon
Size: 70 % R Sun | 7.2 R Jupiter (estimate)

HIP 86221 system structure

HIP 86221
HIP 86221 b 0.03 AU 225.7 M 2.2 days
More about HIP 86221
       HIP 86221 can be found in northern celestial hemisphere. 
Other designations of this star
BD+27 2853, G 170-53, Gliese 9595, GJ 9595, HIC 86221, LSPM J1737+2753W, LTT 15225, NLTT 45159, 2MASS J17371077+2753470, TIC 311407476, TYC 2084-608-1, WISEA J173710.83+275350.3
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