Star HIP 5763
Orange star HIP 5763 is located 104 light years away from the Sun.
It is a single star of spectral class K6V C, that has 73 % of solar mass.
There is at least one exoplanet in this system.
More about HIP 5763
Star HIP 5763 is a main sequence star that fuses hydrogen atoms into helium.
HIP 5763 can be found in northern celestial hemisphere, you cannot see it with naked eye, but you can observe this star with basic telescope. The star is easily observable from Northern America, Europe and Asia.
Other designations of this star
BD+15 176, HIC 5763, 2MASS J01135887+1629404, TIC 408290683, TYC 1196-1222-1, Gaia DR2 2783854903410922496
External sources
Simbad database (BD+15 176)
Astronomical database SIMBAD (the Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data)
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