Star HD 1397
Yellow giant HD 1397 is located 261 light years away from the Sun.
It is a single star of spectral class G5III/IV D, that has 132 % of solar mass.
There is at least one exoplanet in this system.
More about HD 1397
Star HD 1397 is is approximately 2 times bigger than the Sun and temperature on its surface is around 5528 K (5255 °C), which is about 96 % of Sun's temperature.
HD 1397 can be found in southern celestial hemisphere, you cannot see it with naked eye, but you can observe this star with basic telescope.
Other designations of this star
TIC 394137592, HIP 1419, 2MASS J00174714-6621323, TYC 8846-638-1, TOI-120, CD-67 13
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