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Star HATS-76

Orange star HATS-76 is located 1272 light years away from the Sun. It is a single star, that has 66 % of solar mass. There is at least one exoplanet in this system.
Sun distance
1272 light years



Ascension iconRight ascension: 4h 41m 22s
Declination iconDeclination: -32° 19' 14'' (southern hemisphere)
Parallax iconParallax: 2.565
Distance iconSun distance: 1271.563 ly | 389.9 pc

Basic characteristic

icon weight
Mass: 66.2 % M Sun | 693 M Jupiter
radius icon
Size: 63 % R Sun | 6.2 R Jupiter
temperature iconTemperature: 4016 K | 0.7 T Sun
time iconAge: 4.6 billions years | 1 Sun

HATS-76 system structure

HATS-76 b 0.03 AU 835.8 M 12.1 R 1.9 days
More about HATS-76
Star HATS-76 is approximately 60 % of the size of Sun and temperature on its surface is around 4016 K (3743 °C), which is about 70 % of Sun's temperature.
       HATS-76 can be found in southern celestial hemisphere. 
Other designations of this star
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