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Gaia DR2 4733794485572154752
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Star Gaia DR2 4733794485572154752

Red dwarf Gaia DR2 4733794485572154752 is located 24 light years away from the Sun. It is a single star, that has typically about 25 % of solar mass. For now, there are no known exoplanets in this star system.
Sun distance
24 light years

Gaia DR2 4733794485572154752

Red dwarf, High proper motion star


Ascension iconRight ascension: 3h 12m 16.986s
Declination iconDeclination: -55° 13' 45.491'' (southern hemisphere)
Parallax iconParallax: 137.6
Distance iconSun distance: 23.703 ly | 7.3 pc

Basic characteristic

Gaia DR2 4733794485572154752 system structure

Gaia DR2 4733794485572154752
More about Gaia DR2 4733794485572154752
       Gaia DR2 4733794485572154752 can be found in southern celestial hemisphere. 
External sources
simbad icon
Simbad database (Gaia DR2 4733794485572154752)
Astronomical database SIMBAD (the Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data)
Class of stars Red dwarf
Red dwarfs are small reddish stars, that are by far the most common type of star in solar neighborhood. Their mass is usually between 10 and 50 % of solar mass.
Closest stars

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0.07 M☉ 6 ly

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0.7 M☉ 6.1 ly
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