Star EK Draconis
Yellow star EK Draconis is located 112 light years away from the Sun.
It is a single star of spectral class G1.5V E, that has typically about 90 % of solar mass.
For now, there are no known exoplanets in this star system.
More about EK Draconis
Star EK Draconis is a main sequence star that fuses hydrogen atoms into helium. It is is approximately 18 % bigger than the Sun and temperature on its surface is around 5600 K (5327 °C), which is about 97 % of Sun's temperature.
a BY Draconis variable. Stars from this category exhibit periodic variations in their luminosity. The variability is caused by a rotation which shows and hides starspots on the surface. EK Draconis can be found in northern celestial hemisphere, you cannot see it with naked eye, but you can observe this star with basic telescope. The star is easily observable from Northern America, Europe and Asia.
EK Draconis is a BY Draconis variable. Stars from this category exhibit periodic variations in their luminosity. The variability is caused by a rotation which shows and hides starspots on the surface.
Other designations of this star
HD 129333, KON 1A, GJ 559.1, GJ 9488, Gliese 9488, HIC 71631, HIP 71631, 2MASS J14390026+6417299, TIC 159613900, TYC 4176-540-1, V* EK Dra, Gaia DR2 1668690628102524672
External sources
Simbad database (V* EK Dra)
Astronomical database SIMBAD (the Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data)
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