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CFBDSIR J1458+10
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Star CFBDSIR J1458+10

Binary star CFBDSIR J1458+10 is located 104 light years away from the Sun. It consists of a brown dwarf and a sub-brown dwarf. For now, there are no known exoplanets in this star system.
Sun distance
104 light years

CFBDSIR J1458+10 A

Spectral class: T9


Ascension iconRight ascension: 14h 58m 29.405s
Declination iconDeclination: 10° 13' 41.711'' (equatorial region)
Parallax iconParallax: 31.3
Distance iconSun distance: 104.203 ly | 31.9 pc

Basic characteristic

icon weight
Mass: 2.1 % M Sun | 22 M Jupiter
radius icon
Size: 1.5 % R Sun | 0.1 R Jupiter
temperature iconTemperature: 500 K | 0.09 T Sun

CFBDSIR J1458+10 B

Spectral class: Y0


Distance iconDistance from the primary: 4.06 AU

Basic characteristic

icon weight
Mass: 0.9 % M Sun | 9 M Jupiter
radius icon
Size: 1.3 % R Sun | 0.1 R Jupiter
temperature iconTemperature: 370 K | 0.06 T Sun

CFBDSIR J1458+10 system structure

CFBDSIR J1458+10 A
CFBDSIR J1458+10 B4.06 AU
More about CFBDSIR J1458+10
       CFBDSIR J1458+10 can be found in northern celestial hemisphere. 
Other designations of this star
CFBDSIR J145829+101343, CFBDSIR J1458+1013, CFBDS 1458, CFBDS J145829+101343, WISEPA J145829.35+101341.8, WISE J145829.40+101341.7, LIM 5, WDS J14585+1024AB
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