Star 111 Herculis
Blue Giant 111 Herculis is located 93 light years away from the Sun.
It is a single star of spectral class A5III, that has 240 % of solar mass.
For now, there are no known exoplanets in this star system.
More about 111 Herculis
Nearby star 111 Herculis is is approximately 60 % bigger than the Sun and temperature on its surface is around 8873 K (8600 °C), which is about 154 % of Sun's temperature.
111 Herculis can be found in northern celestial hemisphere, and it is possible to see it with naked eye. The star is easily observable from Northern America, Europe and Asia.
Other designations of this star
111 Her, BD+18°3823, FK5 1491, HD 173880, HIP 92161, HR 7069, SAO 104093, WDS J18470+1811, Gaia DR3 4512265810537057664
External sources
Simbad database (* 111 Her)
Astronomical database SIMBAD (the Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data)
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